Joseph Aguilar (Powhogeh storage jar)

Curator Dr. Joseph Aguilar is an enrolled member of San Ildefonso Pueblo, and currently serves as an archaeologist with Bering Straits Native Corporation and as San Ildefonso’s Deputy Tribal Historic Preservation Officer. He received his PhD from the Department of Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania.

Joseph Aguilar (Tewa polychrome bowl)

Curator Dr. Joseph Aguilar is an enrolled member of San Ildefonso Pueblo, and currently serves as an archaeologist with Bering Straits Native Corporation and as San Ildefonso’s Deputy Tribal Historic Preservation Officer. He received his PhD from the Department of Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania.

Loren Aragon

Curator Loren Aragon (Acoma Pueblo) is a former mechanical engineer and now full-time fashion designer and multimedia artist.